List of station and nursery schools in municipality.


The vacancy status of 208 nursery schools in Kagoshima City, Japan is posted by station

You can check the current and past history of vacancies of 208 nursery schools in Kagoshima City. By referring to the past history, you can know the approximate vacancies by age. Since there are no stations in the city or its suburbs, please refer to the nursery school list without a nearest station for the availability of each schools.

Station in Kagoshima City and availability of nursery schools

Station in Kagoshima City and availability of nursery schools

Kagoshima Main Line [Sendai to Kagoshima]

Nippo Main Line [Miyazaki to Kagoshima-chuo]

Ibusuki Makurazaki Line

Kyushu Shinkansen

Kagoshima City Tram Route 1

Kagoshima City Tram Route 2

New nursery schools in Kagoshima City

There are 17 nursery schools opened within the last 1 year. You can check the details of availability by clicking the nursery name.

Egaono Tentomushi Kanmachi
Opening in Apr.2024
Waku Waku Kanmachi Nursery
Opening in Apr.2024
Kanmachi Sunny Side Nursery
Opening in Apr.2024
Murasakibaru Hanamaru
Opening in Apr.2024
Rashisa Nursery Irodori
Opening in Apr.2024
Mammy Nursery
Opening in Apr.2024
Ichigo Nursery
Opening in Apr.2024
Little Mommys Nursery
Opening in Apr.2024
Taniyama Sunny Side Nursery
Opening in Apr.2024
North Ball Nursery
Opening in Apr.2024
Tick Tuck Ekimae Nursery
Opening in Apr.2024
Taniyou Mebae Nursery
Opening in Apr.2024
Kirarinomori Nursery
Opening in Apr.2024
Yutori Nana Yashirono-mori Nursery
Opening in Apr.2024
Waku Waku Haruyama Nursery
Opening in Apr.2024
Ishitani Nursery
Opening in Apr.2024
Matsunoo Kodomoen
Opening in Apr.2024

Nursery schools without a nearby station

A list of nursery schools with no stations within walking distance. Click on the nursery name to see detailed information such as availability history.

Keiko Higashimata Kindergarten

Higashi-sakurajima Nursery

Koriyama Nursery

Hanao Nursery