Image of nursery school update information


Availability of Kozakura Nursery Makabi

The vacancy history of Kozakura Nursery Makabi in Naha City, Okinawa prefecture is displayed by age. The nursery school is a 9 minute walk from Naha City Hospital Station. There are multiple stations such as Omoromachi station, Furujima station, Asato station, Gibo station within walking distance. Please use it to consider when to enter the nursery school.

Information of nursery school

Naha City, Okinawa prefecture
Opening year
Established in Sep.2016 (9 years ago)

The opening date is the oldest date of the confirmed date, such as the opening date of the nursery school or the approval date. It may be different from the actual opening date. Please refer to it as an indication of the opening time.

Elementary schools after graduation

  • Matsushima Elementary School
  • Josai Elementary School
  • Makabi Elementary School
  • Omichi Elementary School
  • Daimyo Elementary School
  • Meiko Elementary School
  • Tsuboya Elementary School etc...

Access to the nursery school

Yui Rail
620m from Naha City Hospital station, 9 minutes walk.

Yui Rail
660m from Omoromachi station, 10 minutes walk.

Yui Rail
660m from Furujima station, 10 minutes walk.

Yui Rail
1300m from Asato station, 19 minutes walk.

Yui Rail
1500m from Gibo station, 20 minutes walk.

Vacancy history

Date Age0 Age1 Age2 Age3 Age4 Age5 Enr.
May 2024×××
May 2023×××
May 2022×××

:Available, ×:Full, -:Unacceptable age or no information, ?:Adjusting at nursery school or no information.

The authorized nursery school may accept children up to about 120% of the capacity. There are times when you can enter the park even if the capacity is exceeded.

List of nearby nursery schools

Olive Crown Nursery
1 minute walk from Asato station on the Yui Rail

Smile Nursery
2 minute walk from Furujima station on the Yui Rail

Nanairo Infant Nursery
3 minute walk from Omoromachi station on the Yui Rail

Maria Nursery
3 minute walk from Omoromachi station on the Yui Rail

Gajimaru Nursery
3 minute walk from Furujima station on the Yui Rail

Soyokaze Omoro Nursery
4 minute walk from Furujima station on the Yui Rail

Matsushima Nursery
4 minute walk from Naha City Hospital station on the Yui Rail

Mercy Nursery
5 minute walk from Furujima station on the Yui Rail

Mercy Nursery Branch
5 minute walk from Naha City Hospital station on the Yui Rail

Aisen Nursery
6 minute walk from Omoromachi station on the Yui Rail

Arata Nursery
6 minute walk from Omoromachi station on the Yui Rail

Ozora Kodomoen
6 minute walk from Furujima station on the Yui Rail

Hiramatsu Nursery
7 minute walk from Omoromachi station on the Yui Rail

Warabeno-shiro Nursery
7 minute walk from Furujima station on the Yui Rail

Mizuki Kodomoen
8 minute walk from Asato station on the Yui Rail

Hanano-iro Nursery
10 minute walk from Gibo station on the Yui Rail

Wakasugi Nursery
10 minute walk from Naha City Hospital station on the Yui Rail

Sky Nursery
12 minute walk from Furujima station on the Yui Rail

Kotonone Nursery
17 minute walk from Omoromachi station on the Yui Rail