Vacancy of nursery school's image ver 3.


Jun.2024 Availability of Nursery Schools and Kindergartens near Sugamoshinden Station

Last update:19 Apr.2024

Availability of 66 licensed nursery schools near Sugamoshinden Station in Toshima Ward. Useful information for those looking for a nursery school.

Information on Sugamoshinden station

Location: Toshima Ward, Tokyo

Facilities : 66


Toden Arakawa Line
Koshinzuka - Sugamoshinden - Otsuka-ekimae

Nursery schools list and availability

List of nursery schools near Sugamoshinden station and availability. Please contact the municipality or nursery school for the latest availability. Even if ● is displayed in the table below, it may be full. Similarly, even if it is x, it may be vacant. Click on a nursery name to view detailed information including past availability.

:Available, ×:Full, -:Unacceptable age or no information, ?:Adjusting at nursery school or no information.

The authorized nursery school may accept children up to about 120% of the capacity. Therefore, even if the number of children exceeds the capacity, there is a possibility that the child will be admitted.

The time from the nearest station to the nursery is limited to walking and calculated mechanically. Please note that it may be different from the actual walking time.

Nearby station from Sugamoshinden station

A list of stations that exist within 1km around this station. When click on the train line name or station name, display detail information includes nearby nursery schools and availability.

Toden Arakawa Line
410m from Otsuka-ekimae station

Yamanote Line
460m from Otsuka station

Toden Arakawa Line
490m from Koshinzuka station

Toden Arakawa Line
700m from Shin-koshinzuka station

Toden Arakawa Line
780m from Mukohara station

Toei Mita Line
900m from Nishi-sugamo station