Image of nursery school update information


Availability of Shinmatsudo Nanohana Room

The vacancy history of Shinmatsudo Nanohana Room in Matsudo City, Chiba prefecture is displayed by age. The nursery school is a 2 minute walk from Koya Station. There are multiple stations such as Shin-Matsudo station, Kogane-Joshi station, Kita-Kogane station within walking distance. Please use it to consider when to enter the nursery school.

Information of nursery school

Matsudo City, Chiba prefecture
Opening year
Established in Apr.2018 (7 years ago)

The opening date is the oldest date of the confirmed date, such as the opening date of the nursery school or the approval date. It may be different from the actual opening date. Please refer to it as an indication of the opening time.

Elementary schools after graduation

  • Yokosuka Elementary School
  • Koya Elementary School
  • Kogane Elementary School
  • Tonohiraga Elementary School
  • Mabashi Elementary School
  • Mabashi Kita Elementary School etc...

Access to the nursery school

Ryutetsu Nagareyama Line
120m from Koya station, 2 minutes walk.

Joban Line local, Musashino Line
90m from Shin-Matsudo station, 2 minutes walk.

Ryutetsu Nagareyama Line
1100m from Kogane-Joshi station, 17 minutes walk.

Joban Line local
1200m from Kita-Kogane station, 18 minutes walk.

Vacancy history

Date Cap. Enr.  
May 20241915 
Dec.20231919× Over capacity
Nov.20231919× Over capacity
Oct.20231919× Over capacity
Sep.20231919× Over capacity
Aug.20231919× Over capacity
May 20231917 
Mar.20231919× Over capacity

:Available, ×:Full, -:Unacceptable age or no information, ?:Adjusting at nursery school or no information.

The authorized nursery school may accept children up to about 120% of the capacity. There are times when you can enter the park even if the capacity is exceeded.

List of nearby nursery schools

Shinmatsudo Yuinohi Nursery
2 minute walk from Koya station on the Ryutetsu Nagareyama Line

Milky Home Shinmatsudo
2 minute walk from Koya station on the Ryutetsu Nagareyama Line

Minami Kita-kogane 2nd Nursery
2 minute walk from Kita-Kogane station on the Joban Line local

Cosmos Baby Room Kita-kogane
2 minute walk from Kita-Kogane station on the Joban Line local

Minami Kita-kogane Nursery
2 minute walk from Kita-Kogane station on the Joban Line local

Kita-kogane Grace Kodomoen Noce Room
2 minute walk from Kita-Kogane station on the Joban Line local

Petit Lic Kita-kogane
2 minute walk from Kita-Kogane station on the Joban Line local

Petit Lic Kitakogane 2nd
2 minute walk from Kita-Kogane station on the Joban Line local

Shin-matsudo Hamonika Nursery
3 minute walk from Koya station on the Ryutetsu Nagareyama Line

Kita-kogane Grace Kodomoen
3 minute walk from Kita-Kogane station on the Joban Line local

Toshin Pop Kids
4 minute walk from Koya station on the Ryutetsu Nagareyama Line

Nursery Iki Iki Kids
4 minute walk from Koya station on the Ryutetsu Nagareyama Line

Sakura Nursery Donguri Room
4 minute walk from Kita-Kogane station on the Joban Line local

Try Kids Nursery Shin-matsudo
5 minute walk from Koya station on the Ryutetsu Nagareyama Line

Cosmos Baby Room Shinmatsudo 2nd Room
5 minute walk from Koya station on the Ryutetsu Nagareyama Line

Cosmos Baby Shinmatsudo 3rd Room
5 minute walk from Koya station on the Ryutetsu Nagareyama Line

Cosmos Baby Room Shinmatsudo
5 minute walk from Koya station on the Ryutetsu Nagareyama Line

Shinmatsudo Suzuran Nursery
5 minute walk from Shin-Matsudo station on the Joban Line local

Hoshino-ouchi Shinmatsudo
6 minute walk from Koya station on the Ryutetsu Nagareyama Line

Petit Lic Shin-Matsudo
6 minute walk from Koya station on the Ryutetsu Nagareyama Line

Nursery School Izumi Shinmatsudo
7 minute walk from Koya station on the Ryutetsu Nagareyama Line

Kitakogane Niko Niko Nursery
7 minute walk from Kita-Kogane station on the Joban Line local

Kogane Nursery
7 minute walk from Kita-Kogane station on the Joban Line local

Minami Shinmatsudo Nursery
8 minute walk from Koya station on the Ryutetsu Nagareyama Line

Shinmatsudo Kindergarten Ohisama Room
8 minute walk from Koya station on the Ryutetsu Nagareyama Line

Cosmos Baby Room Shin-matsudo Yurinoki-dori
8 minute walk from Koya station on the Ryutetsu Nagareyama Line

Shinmatsudo Niko Niko Nursery
8 minute walk from Koya station on the Ryutetsu Nagareyama Line

Cosmos Baby Room Shin-matsudo Yurinoki Dori 2nd Room
8 minute walk from Koya station on the Ryutetsu Nagareyama Line

Kyoshinno Hoikuen Hoppa Shinmatsudo-eki
8 minute walk from Shin-Matsudo station on the Joban Line local

Shinmatsudo Chuuou Nursery
10 minute walk from Koya station on the Ryutetsu Nagareyama Line

Kokorino-mori Nursery Shinmatsudo
10 minute walk from Koya station on the Ryutetsu Nagareyama Line

Koganenishi Grace Kodomoen
11 minute walk from Kogane-Joshi station on the Ryutetsu Nagareyama Line

Cosmos Baby Room Shinmatsudo Chuuou Koen
12 minute walk from Koya station on the Ryutetsu Nagareyama Line

Shinmatsudo Nanbu Nursery
15 minute walk from Koya station on the Ryutetsu Nagareyama Line